The Alinea


Hello, fellow explorers and education enthusiasts! I'm Haley, your guide and fellow traveler on this journey of discovery and learning with my preschool-aged copilot. This blog is where I share the colorful tapestry of our travels and the educational paths we tread together. Not just sightseers, we’re students of the world, absorbing every lesson that each new environment offers us.

As a dedicated mom and curriculum designer, I craft educational materials that align with home schooling standards but are infused with the fun and freedom of travel. Whether we're navigating the busy streets of a foreign city or exploring tranquil landscapes, each experience is a lesson waiting to be learned and taught. Here, you’ll find not only tales from our travels but also practical resources and curriculum items that make learning on the go engaging and accessible.

Join our adventures as we turn the world into our classroom, offering you insights and tools that help integrate education into every journey. From hands-on activities to guide your own world schooling adventures at home or abroad, to destination itineraries with budgeting hacks, and everything in between, The Alinea Mindset is here to inspire and support your family’s educational endeavors.

So, come along as we explore, learn, and teach, proving every day that the world really is the best classroom!